Oak Street Health is part of CVS Healthspire™

Primary Care Doctors & Healthcare Providers


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Common questions

  • Who can become an Oak Street Health patient?

    Our doctors specialize caring for anyone with Medicare, including Original Medicare Part B, select Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement or Medigap plans and Medicare-Medicaid Plans.

  • How do I or a family member become an Oak Street Health patient?

    Call (888) 812-1183 to find a Medicare doctor near you and learn more about becoming a patient at Oak Street Health. You can also stop by your nearest center or fill out a become a patient form, and we'll be in touch.

  • What insurance does Oak Street Health accept?

    We accept all forms of Medicare, including Original Medicare Part B, select Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement or Medigap plans and Medicare-Medicaid Plans. Call us at (888) 812-1183 or visit insurance plan acceptance tool to see if we accept your specific insurance.

  • What will Oak Street Health cost me?

    Your costs will not change because you become an Oak Street Health patient.

  • I need to see my doctor. How do I make an appointment?

    Call (844) 808-8263 or fill out an appointment form to schedule an appointment with our Medicare doctors. For qualifying patients, we will also arrange for transportation.

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Primary Care Clinics Near Me accepting Medicare

Looking to find a new primary care provider or general physician? Oak Street Health has what you need. Meet our healthcare team — with experienced primary care physicians, expert specialist doctors including: gerontologists, geriatricians, social workers, behavioral health therapists, and podiatrists — as well as our friendly nurse practitioners and more. Our providers spend time listening to your needs so they can put together a comprehensive medical plan tailored to you, not someone else. After all, you’re a person, not a number. And they make sure you understand what’s going on every step of the way, because it is your health that matters.

Oak Street Health puts your health needs first, with easy to book appointments and a 24/7 patient support line to ensure you have coverage around the clock. That means you can talk to a doctor whenever you need. We even offer Telehealth for seniors which are convenient phone or video appointments in the comfort of your own home. And our expert primary care teams in our health centers across the country make it a priority to ensure each Oak Street Health patient avoids wait times and other frustrating experiences when trying to see your doctor. See what else makes Oak Street Health so unique. Explore our primary care doctors today.

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