Oak Street Health is part of CVS Healthspire™

Medicare Plans Accepted

Discover Medicare insurance plans accepted at Oak Street Health centers and find primary care doctors accepting Medicare near you. This list of accepted insurance changes regularly. Before your appointment, please confirm with your insurance company that Oak Street Health accepts your insurance.

Original Medicare

Oak Street Health accepts Original Medicare. Also known as traditional Medicare, Original Medicare is a fee-for-service plan, with Medicare paying a portion of the bill for Medicare covered services. All of our locations accept Part B plans, though some require both Part A and Part B.

Medicare Supplement

Medicare Supplement Insurance (also known as Medigap) is extra insurance you can buy from a private company that helps pay some of the out-of-pocket costs that Original Medicare does not cover. Oak Street Health accepts all Medigap plans.

Medicare Advantage

Oak Street Health accepts many Medicare Advantage plans offered by private insurance companies. Sometimes referred to as Part C, these plans provide additional coverage beyond Original Medicare and Medicare Supplement plans. Medicare Advantage plans set maximums for the amount you pay each year for covered services, protecting you from higher than expected costs.

Popular Insurance Plans

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Become a patient

Experience the Oak Street Health difference, and see what it’s like to be treated by a care team who are experts at caring for older adults.

Common questions

  • Do you accept insurance?

    We are contracted with most national insurance carriers, as well as Medicare. If you don't see your insurance plan listed for the Oak Street Health location near you, please call our team at (888) 812-1183 to double check.

  • What insurance does Oak Street Health accept?

    We accept all forms of Medicare, including Original Medicare Part B, select Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Supplement or Medigap plans and Medicare-Medicaid Plans. Call us at (888) 812-1183 or visit insurance plan acceptance tool to see if we accept your specific insurance.

  • What if I do not have insurance?

    We do require insurance to be seen by a provider at Oak Street Health. If you’re not sure if you have insurance, please call us at (888) 812-1183.

  • Will I lose my Medicare if I change my insurance to a Medicare Advantage plan?

    No, you will not lose your Medicare if you elect a Medicare Advantage insurance plan.

  • What about my insurance? Will it cover the telehealth visits or the COVID-19 test?

    Medicare has temporarily expanded its coverage of telehealth services to respond to the current Public Health Emergency. If you have a Medicare Advantage Plan, you have access to these same benefits and your plan may also offer additional telehealth benefits beyond what is covered by Original Medicare. Both Medicare and Medicare Advantage will also cover the cost of COVID-19 testing. We are happy to help you check your coverage with your plan.

  • Does Oak Street Health accept Medicaid?

    Yes, we accept Medicaid as a secondary insurance to your primary Medicare plan. For details on plans we accept, visit our insurance plan acceptance page.

  • How much will my copay be?

    Your copay depends on the insurance you have, and is often listed on your insurance card. If it is not listed, you could call your insurance provider using the phone number on your insurance card to confirm your copay.

  • How much will I have to pay?

    The payment amount depends largely on your insurance plan. We have resources at Oak Street Health to ensure you have the most affordable insurance for your individual situation. We don’t want finances to get in the way of you seeing the doctor, and we can help you navigate Medicare options to make sure you are comfortable with your plan.

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