Color palette

Oak Street Health is a green brand. We always lead with the Oak Street Health greens. It gives our brand impact and acts as an extension of our logo.

Our secondary palette compliments our primary green. This palette creates a warm yet dynamic feel and colors are used to accentuate graphics or key information in our communications. They should be used sparingly.


Leaf Green #00694c
Mint Green #a0ebc8


* Use Sparingly
Coral #ff8770
Stone #eff5f6
* Use Sparingly
Sun Yellow #fdb54a
Lavender #bfb0e9


Midnight Blue #14246b
Charcoal #343333

Additional web colors

To support the core color palette, we’ve added additional colors for use on the web. These tints and shades were introduced to improve legibility of text, create visual changes for active and inactive states of interactive elements, and expand the use of brush strokes as background textures.


Stone (Shade) #d8e5e7
* Use Sparingly
Sun Yellow (Shade) #ff9c09


Leaf Green (Tint) #1d8468
Mint Green (Tint) #d1f2e3
Lavender (Tint) #d6cdee
* Use Sparingly
Sun Yellow (Tint) #ffd583

Call to action colors

On the website, we reserve the usage of Sun Yellow (tints and shades included) for our most important call to action. This consistent use of our primary action color draws a users eye to these CTAs without getting hung up on other content.

Sun Yellow (Shade) #ff9c09
Sun Yellow #fdb54a
Sun Yellow (Tint) #ffd583