
This brand guide documents our story and visual design system for Oak Street Health. Throughout this guide, you’ll find design direction and sample applications to reference when creating new digital brand assets.

Creative territory

We have a vision at Oak Street Health to rebuild healthcare the way it should be. We passionately believe that every older adult should feel valued and be able to live life to the fullest. We’ll go through walls to make it happen. We think great quality healthcare should be available to every older adult—regardless of where they live, how much they earn or their background. We know that this is often not the case. The healthcare system is complex, difficult and daunting. But we believe by combining our vision with a practical approach, we can be the trusted advisor people want and help deliver the care communities need. We’ve developed a model for the patient experience that is unmatched. It combines high quality care with empathetic personal support. It’s flexible and accessible. Our community centers welcome everyone, and our multilingual staff is always drawn from the local community. We’re also developing innovative partnerships to support patients in new ways. By becoming their trusted advisors, we help our patients get what they need—and deserve—to feel healthy, cared for and valued.

Graphic interpretation

The Oak Street Health name, color and logo is designed to project what we value: being dependable, nurturing, and local to each community. Our identity builds on this. Using the visual language of human touch, it expresses how much we value our patients and the personal nature of the care we offer. Graphic elements like handmade brushstrokes and textures feel human, warm and tactile. The typographic style is friendly and accessible. The photography is intimate and feels genuine. We use active images to project positivity and wellness. The interaction between patients and healthcare professionals is always warm and caring. Close-ups of these interactions suggest kindness, goodwill and companionship. When we focus on patients, we get a sense that they can fully be themselves, because they know they can trust us.