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Podiatrists Near Me in Dayton, OH


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Common questions

  • What is Podiatry?

    Podiatry is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the feet and ankles. Podiatrists are doctors who specialize in podiatry, and they are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of foot and ankle conditions, including injuries, deformities, and chronic diseases like diabetes and arthritis. Podiatrists often work closely with other healthcare professionals, such as orthopedists and physical therapists, to provide comprehensive care to patients. In addition to treating medical conditions, podiatrists also often provide routine foot care, such as cutting and filing nails and removing corns and calluses.

  • What do Podiatrists do?

    Some of the things podiatrists do include:

    • Specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the feet and ankles.
    • Diagnose and treat a wide range of foot and ankle conditions, including injuries, deformities, and chronic diseases.
    • Work closely with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive care to patients.
    • Provide routine foot care, such as cutting and filing nails and removing corns and calluses.
    • Prescribe medications and other treatments to manage and treat medical conditions.
    • Use a variety of techniques, such as casting and bracing, to correct foot and ankle problems.
    • Educate patients on how to maintain and improve their foot health, including providing advice on proper footwear and foot care.

    The specific duties of a podiatrist may vary depending on the needs of their patients and the policies of the healthcare facility where they work. At Oak Street Health, our podiatrists in Dayton, OH develop preventive care plans to help you achieve your physical and mental health goals. Get the care you deserve. Schedule an in-person, phone, or video visit with a trusted podiatry specialist today.

  • When should I see a Podiatrist?

    You should consider seeing a podiatrist, also known as a foot and ankle specialist, in the following situations:

    • Foot or ankle pain: Persistent or recurring pain in your feet or ankles that is affecting your mobility or daily activities.
    • Foot or ankle injury: If you have recently experienced a sports-related injury, twist, sprain, fracture, or other trauma to your feet or ankles.
    • Nail problems: If you have ingrown toenails, fungal nail infections, or other issues with your toenails that are causing pain, discomfort, or potential infections.
    • Foot deformities: If you have bunions, hammertoes, flat feet, high arches, or other structural foot abnormalities that are causing pain or affecting your gait.
    • Diabetic foot care: If you have diabetes, it is essential to have regular check-ups with a podiatrist to monitor for any foot complications, such as ulcers, neuropathy, or poor circulation.
    • Skin conditions: For concerns like corns, calluses, blisters, warts, athlete's foot, or any unexplained skin changes on your feet.
    • Arthritis or joint pain: If you have arthritis or joint pain affecting your feet or ankles, a podiatrist can provide specialized care and treatment options.
    • Pre- or post-surgical consultation: If you are planning foot or ankle surgery, a podiatrist can assess your condition, provide recommendations, and guide you through the pre- and post-operative care process.
    • Maintenance and preventive care: Regular visits to a podiatrist can help with preventive foot care, routine nail trimming, diabetic foot screenings, footwear advice, and recommendations for maintaining optimal foot health.

    It is always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional like a podiatrist if you have any concerns or questions about your foot and ankle health.

  • Does Medicare cover Podiatry services?

    Yes, Medicare does cover podiatry services, but there may be certain limitations and conditions. Medicare Part B, which covers outpatient services, provides coverage for medically necessary podiatry services.

    Medicare typically covers podiatry services for the diagnosis and treatment of foot conditions that are deemed medically necessary. This can include services such as:

    • Evaluation and management of foot conditions.
    • Treatment and management of foot injuries.
    • Foot examinations and assessments for patients with diabetes.
    • Care for infections of the foot.
    • Foot and ankle surgeries when deemed medically necessary.

    However, routine foot care is generally not covered by Medicare, such as toenail trimming, callus removal, or treatment of corns and bunions, unless specific medical conditions exist, such as diabetic foot complications.

    It is important to note that coverage may vary depending on your specific Medicare plan and whether you have additional coverage through a Medicare Advantage plan or a supplemental plan. To ensure coverage and understand any potential out-of-pocket costs, it is best to check with Medicare or your insurance provider directly.

  • How do I find Podiatrists in Dayton, OH?

    Call (888) 812-1183 to find a Podiatrist in Dayton, OH and learn more about becoming a patient at Oak Street Health. You can also stop by your nearest center or fill out a become a patient form, and we'll be in touch.

Podiatry specialists in Dayton, OH

The human foot is a complex structure containing bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels that we often take for granted when it comes to our health. A podiatrist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of problems of the foot and ankle. Podiatrists are also experts in the prevention of foot and ankle problems, as well as foot and ankle care, and can help you with everything from bunions and heel pain to toenail problems and foot injuries. At Oak Street Health, our Podiatry specialists in Dayton, OH and supporting care team develop preventive care plans to help you achieve your physical and mental health goals. Get the care you deserve. Schedule an in-person, phone, or video visit with a trusted podiatrist today.

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